
Jesus's Birth (3)

January 13

January 13, 2019 • Dale Erickson

When Jesus was born, the angel did not tell a king and other important government officials about Jesus’ birth. Instead, the angel told some shepherds who were in the fields watching their sheep. The angel told the shepherds that their Savior had been born. Then a large group of angels came and praised God.

Luke 2:16 tells us what the shepherds did after the angels left. “So they went running and found Mary and Joseph. And there was the baby, lying in the feeding box.” The shepherds trusted the angel’s words and went immediately to find the baby. What did the shepherds do after they saw baby Jesus? They told other people what they had seen. They also praised God and thanked Him.

The shepherds were not important people. They were not rich or famous. But God chose them to be the first people to receive the Good News about Jesus’ birth. This shows us that God loves all people. He loves rich people and poor people. God loves all people, no matter where they come from or the color of their skin.

God loves you and wants you to follow His Son, Jesus. Share the Good News about Jesus with someone today.

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