
Christmas Prophecy

December 11

December 11, 2018 • Chad Entinger

God used the prophet Micah to make a prophecy telling people EXACTLY where Jesus would be born. And this prophecy was told at least 600 years before Jesus was born. We can read Micah’s prophecy about Jesus’ birthplace in Micah 5:2. “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, are the smallest town in Judah. Your family is almost too small to count, but the ‘Ruler of Israel’ will come from you to rule for me. His beginnings are from ancient times, and from long, long ago.”

In Matthew, chapter 2, we learn that this prophecy came true. Jesus was born in the exact town where Micah said he would be born — Bethlehem. Joseph and Mary were from the town of Nazareth. But they had to travel to Bethlehem to register for a census. While they were in Bethlehem, Jesus was born.

God is amazing! There are so many cities and towns in the world — almost too many to count. Bethlehem was a small town. It was not like New York City or London. God knew the exact small town where His Son, Jesus, would be born long before it happened.

Only the one true God could know what would happen, tell people before it would happen and make it truly happen. Praise God!

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