
Traveling with Paul (1)

September 2

September 2, 2019 • Jo Krueger

When we studied the book of Acts, we talked about the start of God’s church and how it grew. Christianity spread throughout the world because Paul and other Christians shared
the Good News about Jesus. Paul also wrote letters to churches and individuals to encourage them and help them be strong Christians.

In Romans 1:1, Paul tells us what God wanted him to do. “Greetings from Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus. God chose me to be an apostle and gave me the work of telling his Good News.” Paul did this work by traveling and establishing churches in many cities. Sometimes he only stayed in a city a short time. Other times Paul stayed in a city for several years. And often Paul returned to the churches he had helped establish so he could encourage and teach them more of God’s Word.

On most of Paul’s journeys, he did not travel alone. He often took other Christians with him to help him in his work. For the next seven days, we will look at some of the people who traveled with Paul as he spread the Gospel throughout the Roman Empire.

When Paul told people about Jesus, he was a missionary. You can be a missionary, too. Tell your friends about Jesus today!

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