
Wise Men (4)

January 17

January 17, 2019 • Gayle Thorn

Matthew 2:10 tells us how the wise men felt as they traveled to see Jesus. “They were happy and excited to see the star.” When the wise men saw the star, they rejoiced. They were happy to see the special sign about Jesus’ birth.

I imagine that the wise men were happy when they told King Herod about the birth of a new king. And they must have been very happy to finally find Jesus, worship Him and give Him their gifts.

As Christians, our sins are forgiven and we are saved from eternal separation from God. We should be happy that Jesus was willing to die for us. We should also be excited to be close to Jesus and share the Good News about Him with other people.

There are many ways we can express our happiness to God. One way is to worship Him through songs or dance. Another way we can share our happiness is to serve other people — preparing a meal for someone, visiting a person who is in the hospital or prison, mowing the lawn for an elderly neighbor or baby sitting for a young mother.

Think about ways you can show your happiness to God today.

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