
Samson (2)

September 12

September 12, 2018 • Steve Brink

Often God asks us to do special things for Him. But sometimes our friends or relatives do not agree with what we are doing. That happened to Samson. Judges 14:2 tells us what Samson wanted to do. “When he returned home, he said to his father and mother, ‘I saw a Philistine woman in Timnah. I want you to get her for me. I want to marry her.’”

Samson’s parents were not happy that Samson wanted a Philistine wife. The Philistines were enemies of the Israelites. They thought that Samson should choose an Israelite woman to be his wife. But Samson’s parents did not know that God wanted Samson to choose this woman. Why? Because God had a plan to do something against the Philistine people. Samson’s parents did not understand or trust Samson’s decision. But Samson knew that he should follow God.

Maybe you think that God has asked you to do something special for Him — become a missionary, lead a Bible study or tell a friend about Jesus. First, study the Bible so you can know what God wants you to do. Then, trust and obey God, even if some people do not agree with you. God will bless you for following and obeying Him!

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