
What is Grace?

September 10

September 10, 2019 • Matt Keller

Some people say that grace is showing kindness to someone who does not deserve kindness. If a person hurts you, you can show grace by forgiving that person. How does
God show grace to us? Every person has sinned. And because we have all sinned, no person can save himself or any other person from sin.

Imagine that you do not know how to swim, but you fall into deep water. You begin to drown. Now imagine that there is another person who also cannot swim, and he is
in the deep water with you. He is drowning, too. You cannot save him, and he cannot save you. You both need someone who can swim to save you. Or else, you need someone who is not in the water to throw you a rope to grab onto. Then you can be pulled out of the water.

God is perfect. He cannot sin. So, only God can save people from sin. Romans 5:9 tells us how God saves us. “We have been made right with God by the blood sacrifice of Christ. So through Christ we will surely be saved from God’s anger.” Wow! God sent Jesus to earth to die on the cross and accept the punishment for our sins. That is grace!

Thank God for His wonderful grace today!

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