
Spirit of Power

September 4

September 4, 2018 • Matt Keller

Judges 3:10 tells us about the first judge that God chose to lead Israel. “The Spirit of the Lord filled Othniel, and he became a judge for the Israelites. He led the Israelites to war. The Lord helped Othniel defeat King Cushan Rishathaim of Aram.” After this, the Israelites lived in peace for twenty years.

The book of Judges tells us that God’s Spirit filled other judges such as Gideon and Samson. God gave these men power through His Spirit so they could defeat Israel’s enemies and lead God’s people. After the time of the judges, God gave wisdom and power to kings, prophets and the early church leaders.

God also gives His power to Christians today. His power encourages us to serve Him, to strengthen other Christians and to share the Good News about Jesus with the world. God’s Spirit helps us so we can do the things He wants us to do. God’s Spirit will help us as we serve other people, teach about God, comfort people and give to others. And God’s Holy Spirit will strengthen us as we share the Good News about Jesus with people around us.

God’s Spirit has given you special skills to use in His kingdom. Ask Him to show you how to use these skills for His glory.

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