The Secret

Philippians 4:10-13

November 19, 2023 • Ben Potloff • Philippians 4:10–13

Philippians 4:10-13 | Ben Potloff | Here, Paul discusses the way that the Lord has provided for him in times of need, both through the church in Philippi and through His nearness. In verse 10, readers see Paul discussing how the church’s concern for him has been revived as they had an opportunity to care for him. He continues to discuss throughout the later three verses how the Lord has provided for him by bringing him the contentment that is only found in Jesus! We may not currently find ourselves in a similar situation to Paul (arrested for sharing the gospel) but we all know the trials and temptations that life in our world can bring. Like Paul, let us learn to cast our eyes to Jesus to whom all our joy and contentment can be found.


The secret to contentment is the strength Christ provides.


I. Concern for others is praiseworthy (v. 10)

II. Contentment in Christ is possible (vv. 11-13


1. Paul rejoices in the concern the Philippians had for him and his needs. What are some of the needs around you in your church family and community? How does the gospel compel us to want to meet those needs? 

2. The secret to contentment is the strength Christ provides. What areas of your life do you feel the most discontentment? How does Christ provide strength to fight that and be content in Him?

3. Why is the “if only” (see below) approach to life a lie? How is Christ better? 

— “If only I had _____________, I’d be  happy/fulfilled/content.”