Bad News

Genesis 3:1-24

February 25, 2024 • Ben Potloff • Genesis 3

Genesis 3:1-24 | Ben Potloff | Over and over, the opening chapters of Genesis show us something being made from nothing, order brought to chaos, life and vitality where there was only a void, God's image bearers ruling over his creation. But, in chapter 3, everything goes wrong; created things misrepresent God, His image bearers rebel against his rule, and Paradise is lost at the foot of the forbidden tree. Now we ask, "Is God done with this world and this people that have rebelled against Him?"


Disobedience leads to death.


I. Eve was deceived by the serpent and Adam disobeyed God (vv. 1-13)

II. God declared that the consequence for human sin is death (vv. 14-19, 22-24)

III. In the midst of retribution God promised redemption (vv. 15, 20-21)

More from Genesis

Wedding Day

February 18, 2024 • Ben Potloff • Genesis 2:18–25

Genesis 2:18-25 | Ben Potloff | Moses' closer look at the creation of humanity continues as, for the first time, God says that something is "not good." God creates woman from man in a wonderful and glorious act of creation that completes God's initial work of creation and begins human history. MAIN IDEA God created woman to complement man in the one flesh union of marriage.  OUTLINE I. God created the woman to be the perfect helper to the man (vv. 18-23) II. God created marriage to be a permanent and exclusive union (vv. 24-25)


February 11, 2024 • Max Janusch • Genesis 2:1–17

Genesis 2:1-17 | Max Janusch | At the finale of God's creation work, God rests and blesses the seventh day. Moses then returns his focus to the creation of man, the garden of Eden, and God tasking man to "work the ground" in obedience to God. Here, we are reminded that God is the Creator and we are the creatures. MAIN IDEA God places his people in paradise. OUTLINE I. God modeled rest for man as the finale to his creation. (vv. 1-3) II. God created man from his creation. (vv. 4-7) III. God put man in the best of his creation. (vv. 8-14) IV. God tasked man to obediently cultivate his creation. (vv. 15-17)

Identity & Purpose

February 4, 2024 • Ben Potloff • Genesis 1:26–31

Genesis 1:26-31 | Ben Potloff | God's work of creation comes to its high point with the creation of man on the sixth day. After speaking light and life, sky and seas, land and animals into existence, God forms human beings. Making them in his image, male and female, God then puts his creation under the stewardship of humanity who rule on his behalf. MAIN IDEA Humans bear God’s image to rule His world. OUTLINE I. God created man in His image (vv. 26-27) II. God created humans as male and female (v. 27) III. God created humans to have dominion (vv. 26, 28-31)