What’s In A Name?

Matthew 1:18-25

December 10, 2023 • Ben Potloff • Matthew 1:18–25

Matthew 1:18-25 | Ben Potloff | While impossible to miss, we often lose the significance, glory, and mystery of the birth of Jesus. These wonders are put on display in Matthew's account of Jesus' birth, as the long-awaited Savior is born to a virgin in fulfillment of what the prophets spoke long ago. Here, we see that Christmas is about God coming to save us.


Christmas is about God coming to save us.


I. Immanuel: The baby to be born would be God (vv. 18-20, 22-24) 

II. Jesus: The baby to be born would be Savior (vv. 21, 25)

The Wait Is Over

December 24, 2023 • Ben Potloff • Luke 2:22–38

Luke 2:22-38 | Ben Potloff | Lesser known than the other witnesses of Christ's first advent, Simeon and Anna play a crucial role in God's revelation and Luke's recording of the coming of Jesus. Here, we see two more actors in the Advent story who are left glorifying God after experiencing the Lord Jesus and witnessing the fulfillment of God's promises to his people. MAIN IDEA The wait is over, Salvation has come.  OUTLINE I. Israel was waiting for their promised salvation (vv. 22-26, 38b) II. Jesus Christ is the promised salvation (vv. 27-32, 36-38a) III. Some reject and some receive the promised salvation (vv. 33-35) 

Birth Announcement

December 17, 2023 • Ben Potloff • Luke 2:1–21

Luke 2:1-21 | Ben Potloff | As God the Son, having taken on human flesh, is born in a manger another glorious scene takes place and another pair of Advent witnesses is introduced. Lowly shepherds are met by heavenly angels who point the way to the birthplace of the long-awaited Savior. Luke continues to highlight the wonderful and mysterious happenings that show just how remarkable the coming of Christ is. MAIN IDEA The birth in Bethlehem is reason to rejoice! OUTLINE I. The birth in Bethlehem was the fulfillment of a promise (vv. 1-7) II. The birth in Bethlehem was good news of great joy for all (vv. 8-21)

Christmas Plans

December 3, 2023 • Ben Potloff • Luke 1:5–25, Luke 1:57–80

Luke 1:5-25, 57-80 | Ben Potloff | In Luke's Gospel account, the story of the birth of the one, promised Messiah actually begins with the birth of two babies. Preceding Jesus, we see the miraculous story of John the Baptist and how he testifies to the glory of Jesus even from within the womb! MAIN IDEA God’s promised mercy is our perpetual hope. OUTLINE I. God’s priest would have a son who would be a great prophet (vv.5-25, 57-63) II. God’s prophet would prepare His people for the promise (vv. 64-80)