Hostile Territory

Acts 16:11-40

September 3, 2023 • Max Janusch • Acts 16:11–40

Acts 16:11-40 | Max Janusch | Before we begin our journey through Paul's letter to the Philippians, we first need to consider the establishment of the Church in Philippi. Throughout the book of Acts, the word of God takes root and spreads throughout the Mediterranean world as it is proclaimed. But what happens when the mission of the Apostles encounters uncharted and hostile territory? What happens when the gospel comes to Philippi? Here, we see that opposition cannot hinder God's mission.


Opposition cannot hinder gospel mission.


I. The gospel brings spiritual life where there once was none. (vv. 11-15)

II. The gospel clashes with the world, the flesh, and the devil. (vv. 16-24)

III. The gospel leads to complete transformation. (vv. 25-34)

IV. The gospel will be vindicated. (vv. 35-40)


- What stood out to you from Sunday’s sermon?

- What is the first thing that Paul and Silas do once they get to Philippi? How can we apply their behavior to our own lives?

- What are the key details about Lydia’s conversion? Who/what is responsible for her turning in faith to Jesus?

- What types of opposition do Paul and Silas face in Philippi? What types of opposition do we face today in our mission to spread the gospel?

- What do new Christians do?

- How does this passage challenge you to live and/or think differently?