Dinners with Sinners

Luke 15:1-10

January 31, 2021 • Andrew Murch

Andrew Murch · It’s no coincidence that last week’s passage ends with Jesus’ words: “He who has ears to hear, let him hear,” and then this week’s passage begins with the religious elites grumbling and complaining about the sinners that are drawing near to Jesus. Jesus answers their complaints, as he often does in Luke’s Gospel, with three stories. These parables all have a similar theme: heaven rejoices when a lost sinner repents. In this week’s passage, we get the first two parables: the story of the lost sheep and the story of the lost coin. In these stories, we not only see God’s heart for the lost, but we also gain the correct perspective of those who have already repented.

Servants and Subjects

May 2, 2021 • Andrew Murch

Andrew Murch • This week we come to Luke 19:11-28, the Parable of the Ten Minas. In this scene, Jesus once again pauses his journey toward Jerusalem to instruct his followers on discipleship and the kingdom of God. Through this parable, Jesus is urging his followers to live faithfully, work diligently, and patiently wait for the Master to return.

A Small Man Takes the Stand

April 25, 2021 • Andrew Murch

Andrew Murch • This week, we come to the story of Jesus and Zacchaeus the chief tax collector. With this short story, Luke gives his readers a clear image of Jesus' mission on earth. Here, we see that Jesus is the one who saves and following him requires repentance.

A Blind Eyewitness

April 18, 2021 • Andrew Murch

Andrew Murch • "Son of David, have mercy on me!" This week, we read of a plea for mercy from a blind and broken man. As Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem, he passes by the city of Jericho where he encounters this man and heals him. This miraculous scene reveals to us the heart of our savior, the faith that we all must have in him, and the healing that Jesus brings to those who would put their faith in him.