The Writing Is On The Wall

Daniel 5

February 5, 2023 • Ben Potloff • Daniel 5

Daniel 5 | Ben Potloff | As our journey through the book of Daniel continues, we come to an interesting story with a new Babylonian king, the desecration of the temple vessels, a wild party, and–most importantly–the same faithful God. Here, we see that God keeps his promises and humbles the proud.

More from Daniel

Ready, Willing, and Able

February 12, 2023 • Max Janusch • Daniel 6

Daniel 6 | Max Janusch | Along with the story of the fiery furnace, Daniel and the lions' den is one of the most commonly known stories from the book of Daniel. But this tale looks much different than the Sunday school version that so many people are familiar with. Daniel 6 follows Darius as he organizes his newly conquered territories, is duped by some of his most trusted advisors, and experiences an emotional rollercoaster as his top official is thrown into what will certainly be his final resting place . . . Or will it? Here, we see that God alone can redeem those who are faithful to him.

Who Rules?

January 29, 2023 • Ben Potloff • Daniel 4

Daniel 4 | Ben Potloff | Already in the book of Daniel, we have seen incredible highs and devastating lows. Daniel 4 brings us another sleepless night from King Nebuchadnezzar, another scene of frustration as the Babylonian wise men fail to give an interpretation, and another example of how God is working in the midst of Israel's exile in Babylon. In this passage, Daniel informs Nebuchadnezzar that his constant self-exaltation and his efforts to steal God's glory for himself will cost him greatly. God's glory will not be shared, and those who attempt to steal his glory will be humbled.

Trial By Fire

January 22, 2023 • Ben Potloff • Daniel 3

Daniel 3 | Ben Potloff | In Daniel 3, we come to the first of a few popular–but often misinterpreted–stories in the book of Daniel. On the heels of Daniel's interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's dream, the king builds a statue and demands that everyone bow to it. However, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refuse to bow and are condemned to burn alive in a furnace. But something miraculous happens; Daniel's companions don't burn! Instead, they are joined by a fourth individual, one whom the king of Babylon cannot account for. This story reveals the reality of God's people's responsibility and ability in exile to reject false gods and worship the only real God.