New Year, New Self

Colossians 3:1-17

January 1, 2023 • Max Janusch • Colossians 3:1–17

Colossians 3:1-17 | Max Janusch | We've all heard the expression: "New year, new me." But what does Scripture tell us about our "new" selves? To answer this, we look to Colossians 3. The Apostle Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, lays out two important lists in this passage, things that Christians put off and things Christians put on. Here, we see that the Christian life requires the death of sin and life in Christ.

Only One Way

June 2, 2024 • Ben Potloff • Romans 10:5–17

Romans 10:5-17 | Ben Potloff | All are unrighteous. So, how can we be made right before God and with God? There are two options, righteousness by our works or righteousness by faith in Christ. Only faith in Christ can make sinners righteous before God. MAIN IDEA Faith in Christ comes by hearing of Christ.  OUTLINE I. Faith in Christ is the only way people can be made right with God (vv. 1-13) II. Faith in Christ is only possible if people hear about Christ (vv. 14-17)

Becoming & Belonging

December 31, 2023 • Max Janusch • Ephesians 2:17–22

Ephesians 2:17-22 | Max Janusch | Regardless of what we know to be true, Christians often practice their faith in isolation from one another. But, God's plan for his people is so much greater than a personal faith lived out in the seclusion of one's living room. God is saving sinners and is building for himself a people who represent him to one another and the rest of the world. Here, we see that our unity in God is built by God for God. MAIN IDEA Our unity in God is built by God for God. OUTLINE I. We have been united in Christ with God and one another. (vv. 17-18) II. We are built on God’s saving revelation of himself. (vv. 19-20) III. We are being made into God’s holy house. (vv. 21-22)

Good News

August 13, 2023 • Ben Potloff • Romans 3:9–26

Romans 3:9-26 | Ben Potloff | This week, we examine Romans 3:9-26. In this section of his letter to the Romans, the Apostle Paul instructs the church on the reality that no one apart from Christ is righteous. And on top of that, no one is justified by his own works. But there is hope! Here, we see that sinners are made right with God through faith in Jesus. Find sermon discussion questions at