Identity Crisis

1 John 2:28-3:10

October 9, 2022 • Max Janusch • 1 John 2:28–29, 1 John 3:1–10

1 John 2:28-3:10 | Max Janusch | When it comes to testing one's faith against the real thing, what you practice means everything. Scripture teaches that people are either born of God or they are born of the devil. This reality frames the glory of the gospel as God's word reveals that Jesus Christ came for the sake of undoing the works of the devil. In this passage, we see that what we do reveals whose we are.

Who's Coming For Dinner?

November 27, 2022 • Ben Potloff • 3 John

3 John 1-15 | Ben Potloff | This week, our journey through the letters of John comes to a close. In 3 John, the notes of pastoral care and genuine Christian conviction continue ringing as John addresses some specific people and situations. Here, we see that Christians reflect Christ in how we live.

Keep Walking

November 20, 2022 • Ben Potloff • 2 John

2 John 1-13 | Ben Potloff | Often overlooked, John's second epistle ties closely to his first letter and some important points that he makes throughout his writings. How should Christians respond to those who claim Christ but whose lives don't support the same message? John's words here remind us of important truths to consider when weighing our Christianity against the real thing.

What Do You Know?

November 13, 2022 • Ben Potloff • 1 John 5:13–21

1 John 5:13-21 | Ben Potloff | This week, our journey through 1 John comes to a close. Throughout this epistle, John has reminded us of the marks of real Christianity, and he's called us to examine our own faith against the real thing. This letter closes with assurance for those who are genuinely in Christ.