The Church Just Wants My Money

Malachi 3:6-12

March 3, 2024 • Ben Potloff • Malachi 3:6–10

Malachi 3:6-10 | Ben Potloff | Malachi served as a prophet to God's people as they returned from Exile and rebuilt their way of life. God's people, under the guidance of God's Law, were charged with re-establishing their patterns for worship and holy living, and a critical area was their tithing and relationship with money. So, we ask, "What does the Bible really have to say about giving?"


Don’t rob God, trust Him.


I. Being closed-handed brings condemnation (vv. 7-10a)

II. Being open-handed brings provision (vv. 6, 10b-12)


1. What comes into your mind when you think about money?

2. What has been your experience in the Church regarding money, giving, stewardship, etc.?

3. God accused Israel of robbing him in Malachi 3:6-12. Why? How might the church rob God today?

4. What are the things that typically hold you back when it comes to giving, generosity, and being open-handed?

5. How can you apply Malachi 3:10 to your life? 

6. How should the gospel impact our view of money and giving?

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