The Church Just Wants My Money

Malachi 3:6-12

March 3, 2024 • Ben Potloff • Malachi 3:6–10

Malachi 3:6-10 | Ben Potloff | Malachi served as a prophet to God's people as they returned from Exile and rebuilt their way of life. God's people, under the guidance of God's Law, were charged with re-establishing their patterns for worship and holy living, and a critical area was their tithing and relationship with money. So, we ask, "What does the Bible really have to say about giving?"


Don’t rob God, trust Him.


I. Being closed-handed brings condemnation (vv. 7-10a)

II. Being open-handed brings provision (vv. 6, 10b-12)


1. What comes into your mind when you think about money?

2. What has been your experience in the Church regarding money, giving, stewardship, etc.?

3. God accused Israel of robbing him in Malachi 3:6-12. Why? How might the church rob God today?

4. What are the things that typically hold you back when it comes to giving, generosity, and being open-handed?

5. How can you apply Malachi 3:10 to your life? 

6. How should the gospel impact our view of money and giving?

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Pay It Forward

March 17, 2024 • Ben Potloff • 2 Corinthians 9:6–15

2 Corinthians 9:6-15 | Ben Potloff | Where does the gift come from? Does it come simply from the giver? Is it, more specifically, from someone's wallet or bank account? Or, does the gift come from a place deep in the heart and will of the giver? Here, we see that God loves the giving of those who do it worshipfully and cheerfully. MAIN IDEA God’s grace generates generous giving. OUTLINE I. God blesses His people when they bless others (vv. 6-7) II. God blesses His people so they can bless others (vv. 8-11a) III. God is glorified when His people are generous (vv. 11b-15)  DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. How do you think your friends would describe you in relation to money? 2. What does 2 Corinthians 9:7 show us about what the motivation for giving should be and should not be? 3. How have you seen the principle of “you reap what you sow” play out in your own life in regard to giving and generosity? 4. Giving, according to Paul, is both good for us and promotes God’s glory. How do these two work together? 5. What is one way you want to apply the lessons learned in this series to your life right away?

Hold on to Your Wallet

March 10, 2024 • Max Janusch • Mark 12:41–44

Mark 12:41-44 | Max Janusch | Does God care about the heart of the giver or just about the amount given? In Mark 12, Jesus draws his disciples' attention to the small offering from one poor widow. This offering, Jesus says, is far greater than the whole sum of all the donations of many rich people. Here, we see that we should give ourselves in our giving. MAIN IDEA In your giving, give yourself. OUTLINE I. God’s people offer their money as worship to God. (vv. 41-42) II. The heart of the giver matters more than the amount given. (vv. 43-44) DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. How does your view of money and giving agree with and/conflict with what the Bible teaches? How does God invite your beliefs to align with his Word? 2. What is a practical way that you can make giving more of an act of worship? 3. On Sunday, Max mentioned several postures we can have in our giving: giving ritualistically, pridefully, out of obligation, out of guilt, begrudgingly, etc. How do we easily fall into this kind of giving posture versus a posture of faith-filled sacrifice? 4. Are there any areas of your life where you struggle to give God your full self? How does giving yourself to God in everything lead to joy and reward and hope?