The Mission Continues

Acts 18:1-28

May 19, 2024 • Andrew Murch • Acts 18

Acts 18:1-28 | Andrew Murch | After reading story after story of Paul’s boldness and tenacity in sharing the gospel, it’s almost shocking to hear God’s calm, quiet reassurance to “not be afraid . . . go on speaking . . . for I am with you.” We don’t know exactly what Paul was going through that warranted encouragement directly from heaven. But we do know that God spoke, reminding Paul of His faithfulness, and Paul listened and remained faithful.

Ancient Wonder

June 9, 2024 • Nathan Noorlun • Acts 19:21–41

Acts 19:21-41 | Nathan Noorlun | Paul’s ministry in Ephesus is booming, but you know what’s not booming because of this, the sale of idols of Artemis or the worship of her in her temple in the city. A silversmith named Demetrius is none too happy about this. You see, all these people turning to “The Way” is hurting his bottom line. Since everyone is turning to Jesus, they are no longer turning to the little silver god on the dashboard of their chariots. One thing leads to another, and Paul and his companions are dragged through the streets amid a full-scale riot. How will the gospel fair against such deep-rooted and violent opposition?

True Truth

June 2, 2024 • Andrew Murch • Acts 19:11–20

Acts 19:11-20 | Andrew Murch | Power is attractive. We see it all over our world today that those who have power attract a group of followers and groupies. Who doesn’t want to be able to walk into the hottest restaurant in town without a reservation and say, “Oh, I’m here with...” Paul’s ministry in Ephesus is on fire. People are being healed left and right! In fact, Paul doesn’t even have to be there, if something like a napkin or apron has touched Paul, they are enough to heal people that then touch these items. It’s a million Christmas miracles and it’s not even Christmas! There is no one in the area who is not aware of Paul and the power that he wields in the name of Jesus.

The Whole Story

May 26, 2024 • Andrew Murch • Acts 19:1–10

Acts 19:1-10 | Andrew Murch | Paul has finished his second missionary journey, yet he’s not done spreading the good news of Jesus by any means. He embarks on his third missionary journey in the city of Ephesus, a place he’d been to briefly a year before. He’d been asked to stay but felt called by God to move on, but he promised to return to them, “...if God wills.” And God has willed. Paul’s ministry in Ephesus continues for two years. As was his custom he starts in the synagogue during the first three months of his stay. Sadly, as happened in many of the places that Paul visited, many of the Jews reject his teaching and stubbornly refuse to believe. Therefore, Paul spends the rest of his time in Ephesus preaching in the hall of Tyrannus and through it all of Asia hears the Gospel message, both Jews and Greeks.