
2 Peter 2:1-16

June 5, 2022 • Andrew Murch

2 Peter 2:1-16 | Andrew Murch | Peter just finished giving his eyewitness account of the resurrection and ascension of Jesus, and now he turns his attention to false teachers who manipulate the gospel for the sake of their own carnal pleasures and selfish gain. After outlining the playbook of these false teachers, Peter encourages his readers that condemnation and destruction is coming for these false teachers (verse 3), using multiple Old Testament and Jewish literature examples of divine justice to make his point. Remember, this is the last thing the Apostle Peter writes before his death. As you study this week, think about why he would’ve thought this message important enough for his final letter. As a Christian in 2022, this warning is as necessary as ever. In a world where false teachers abound, how can Christians identify and guard against instruction that is counter to the gospel of Jesus Christ?