Challenging the Politics of Jesus

Luke 20:20-26

February 6, 2022 • Luke Hendrix

Jesus is a brilliant storyteller. The chief priests and scribes, the religious leaders of Israel in this day, are continually trying to trap Jesus, peppering him with impossible questions with the aim of crucifying him whether he agrees or disagrees. Recently, there was a question about the authority with which he teaches. Jesus’ brilliant storytelling gives the perfect answer to this question: the parable of the wicked tenants. Afraid of the people, they fire another fastball; yet another “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” question. This time, the question centers on paying taxes to an authoritarian, oppressive government that unjustly ruled over God’s people. And yet again, Jesus the storyteller has the perfect response to their interrogation.

The Darkest Day for All to See

April 15, 2022 • Andrew Murch

Luke 23:44-56 | Andrew Murch | It was the darkest day in history. Jesus would soon be revealed as God’s resurrected Son and “firstborn from the dead,” but now he is nailed to the cross. Though the best part of the story is soon to come, it is important that we not skip over the weight and sadness of Jesus’ sacrifice in this chapter. God was willing to make a way for sinners like us to be reconciled to himself, but it came at a cost. It cost everything. A man named Phillip helps Jesus carry the cross outside the city, and Jesus is nailed to that cross. As he hangs there, he is mocked, and the guards cast lots over his clothing. Even in these painful moments, we see glimpses of beauty. Jesus offers up a prayer to his father, “Forgive them, father, for they know not what they do.” With his mission on earth still in focus, Jesus extends mercy and invites one of the criminals to join him in paradise. The beautiful day of resurrection will come soon, but for now, we must read and reflect on the reality that our new life came at the cost of our Savior’s life. The author of life is put to death.

The King and the Criminal

April 10, 2022 • Andrew Murch

Luke 23:26-43 | Andrew Murch | It was the darkest day in history. Jesus would soon be revealed as God’s resurrected Son and “firstborn from the dead,” but now he is nailed to the cross. Though the best part of the story is soon to come, it is important that we not skip over the weight and sadness of Jesus’ sacrifice in this chapter. God was willing to make a way for sinners like us to be reconciled to himself, but it came at a cost. It cost everything.

Rescued from Death

April 3, 2022 • Jake Gamble

Luke 23:1-25 | Jake Gamble | It is no exaggeration to say that the entire Christian faith is built upon Jesus’ actions recorded in the next two chapters of Luke, so read and reread these verses closely. In Luke 9, we see Jesus set his face towards Jerusalem to accomplish the work he was sent to complete. Now, we see that work unfolding as Jesus is falsely accused and put on trial. The assembly of the elders of the people accuse Jesus before Pilate, a man who would determine if Jesus was to be crucified or not. Pilate sees no fault in Jesus but the mob persists. “Crucify him!” they shout. Pilate releases the criminal named Barabbas from prison and allows Jesus to be sent to his death.