Better to Give AND to Receive

Philippians 4:14-23

November 26, 2023 • Max Janusch • Philippians 4:14–23

Philippians 4:14-23 | Max Janusch | By his grace and according to his own design, God has determined that one of the primary means for the sending, supporting, and sustaining of gospel workers is the Church. In part, ‘to be the Church’ means to support the work of gospel ministry, to partner with gospel laborers, and to be an agent of encouragement for those putting their hands to the plow of evangelism and church planting. God is exceedingly gracious for calling every Christian to plan a part in this most glorious of tasks.


God is glorified in gospel-advancing fellowship.


I. Paul commends the Philippians' partnership. (vv. 14-20)

II. Paul encourages with gospel connectedness. (vv. 21-23)


1. In what way(s) is it easiest for you to contribute to gospel partnerships? In what way(s) is it hardest for you?

2. What are some barriers that you put up, or leave up, when it comes to engaging in gospel mission? How can the encouragement and support of others help you engage more?

3. How does the Philippians’ partnership with Paul weave through the entire letter? What does this teach you about gospel-advancing fellowship with other Christians?

4. How have you seen “the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ” (v. 23) with the spirit of our church?