A Message & Its Fruit

2 Peter 2:17-22

June 12, 2022 • Jake Gamble

2 Peter 2:17-22 | Jake Gamble | Last week, Peter warned against false teachers, and in this week’s passage, he’s still ringing the bell to guard against those who would lead people astray. He calls these teachers a “waterless spring” (v. 17). Using God as their platform, they promise people refreshment but have none to offer. They come along, telling people that following their lustful passions isn’t that big of a deal (v. 18). Peter tells us that these teachers are slaves to sin themselves (v. 19), and they only lead people down the same path. Peter goes so far as to say that it would’ve been better had they never claimed Christ and his righteousness in the first place (vv. 20-21). We all know people who have been led astray by false teaching that minimizes sin in the name of grace; teaching that promotes the leaders’ platform and desires while downplaying righteousness. As we study this week, may we long to have ears to hear teaching that lines up with the truth of Scripture, and may we have the wisdom to discern when teaching would lead one astray.