
2 Peter 1:12-15

May 22, 2022 • Andrew Murch

2 Peter 1:12-15 | Andrew Murch | Little yellow sticky notes often fill our work and living spaces with REMINDERS! Take the car in for an oil change, schedule an appointment, cancel that subscription, and on it goes. How come we always forget about that one? Like these sticky notes, Peter is delivering his final reminders in this letter, but here in verses 12-15 we get a glimpse into his heart behind his final instructions. Peter reminds the church of the Christlike qualities he listed in the previous verses and says he will continually remind them of these. Perhaps it’s because Peter’s recipients, much like us, need constant reminders in our lives. It is easy for us to slip into old patterns of sin or to become blind to the reality of our new life in Christ. These words are for them and for us that we would remember what Christ has done and live in light of that. We also see that Peter appears to know these may be his final words and reminders. He shares he will soon be killed for his faith and chooses his reminders carefully. Though Peter would indeed be martyred, the Church for thousands of years later would hear these words of the Holy Spirit through Peter you’re reading today.