What's Next?

Genesis 9:1-17

May 12, 2024 • Max Janusch • Genesis 9:1–17

Genesis 9:1-17 | Max Janusch | We've seen the sinfulness of mankind on display, God's just wrath against that sin, and His gracious work of saving Noah and his family through the Flood. Now, what's next? How will mankind move on from the Flood? Here, we see how God values life, calls humanity back to its original purpose, and seals it all with a covenant promise.


God values life and promises to preserve it.


I. God determines the purpose and value of life. (vv. 1-7)

II. God promises to preserve life. (vv. 8-17)


1. What similarities and differences are between Genesis 1:26–31 and Genesis 9:1-7? How do those similarities and differences inform your understanding of the significance of mankind's "new beginning" in Genesis 9?

2. How does your understanding of the "image of God" affect day-to-day life? How is life lived differently when you recognize the purpose and value that God has placed on mankind?

3. What characteristics and/or attributes of God are revealed in Genesis 9:1-17? What do we learn about God in this passage?

4. Thinking about the entire Flood narrative (Genesis 6-9), what has stood out to you the most? Has there been anything particularly encouraging or challenging?

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