Until I Breathe My Last

The Final Words of the Apostle Peter

The End Draws Nigh

June 26, 2022 • Andrew Murch

2 Peter 3:11-18 | Andrew Murch | We’ve reached the end of the Apostle Peter’s final writing before his death. In these pages, we’ve been met with warnings against false teachers, immoral teachers, and distorted theology. We’ve seen Peter’s reminder to follow the truth of Christ and to commit to godly, Christ-like living. To put the finishing touches on his final letter, Peter calls his readers to be diligent, to be without spot or blemish, and to be at peace. He again highlights God’s patience, using the Apostle Paul’s letters as a witness to this. It’s interesting that even in his closing statements, Peter is still telling of false teachers, and warning his readers to not get “carried away with the error of lawless people and lose your own stability” (v. 17). As we finish this study, may we, as the last verse of 2 Peter says, “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” “To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen” (v. 18).

Are We There Yet?

June 19, 2022 • Andrew Murch

2 Peter 3:1-10 | Andrew Murch | In this week’s text, Peter says there are people, he calls them scoffers, who believe that the Lord is treating creation much like the kids treated their house. These scoffers say, “nothing has changed since creation. God is clearly absent.” (2 Peter 3:4). They think God has not intervened and will not intervene. Unlike the conclusion of your parent that the unkempt house meant nothing had been done, the Lord is actually at work in the world. Peter says that the Lord is not absent, he is not delaying, but rather he is patient. The Lord will bring judgment on all the broken and wicked things in this world but he is patient because of his desire that all people would be saved.

A Message & Its Fruit

June 12, 2022 • Jake Gamble

2 Peter 2:17-22 | Jake Gamble | Last week, Peter warned against false teachers, and in this week’s passage, he’s still ringing the bell to guard against those who would lead people astray. He calls these teachers a “waterless spring” (v. 17). Using God as their platform, they promise people refreshment but have none to offer. They come along, telling people that following their lustful passions isn’t that big of a deal (v. 18). Peter tells us that these teachers are slaves to sin themselves (v. 19), and they only lead people down the same path. Peter goes so far as to say that it would’ve been better had they never claimed Christ and his righteousness in the first place (vv. 20-21). We all know people who have been led astray by false teaching that minimizes sin in the name of grace; teaching that promotes the leaders’ platform and desires while downplaying righteousness. As we study this week, may we long to have ears to hear teaching that lines up with the truth of Scripture, and may we have the wisdom to discern when teaching would lead one astray.


June 5, 2022 • Andrew Murch

2 Peter 2:1-16 | Andrew Murch | Peter just finished giving his eyewitness account of the resurrection and ascension of Jesus, and now he turns his attention to false teachers who manipulate the gospel for the sake of their own carnal pleasures and selfish gain. After outlining the playbook of these false teachers, Peter encourages his readers that condemnation and destruction is coming for these false teachers (verse 3), using multiple Old Testament and Jewish literature examples of divine justice to make his point. Remember, this is the last thing the Apostle Peter writes before his death. As you study this week, think about why he would’ve thought this message important enough for his final letter. As a Christian in 2022, this warning is as necessary as ever. In a world where false teachers abound, how can Christians identify and guard against instruction that is counter to the gospel of Jesus Christ?

Can We Keep Going?

May 29, 2022 • Cody Cannon

2 Peter 1:16-21 | Cody Cannon | As accurate as they were, in declaring the truth, God did not merely depend on the oral, eyewitness accounts of the apostles. Through the agency of the Holy Spirit, He superintended the recording of those experiences in the inspired revelation of Scripture. In other words, if any would question the validity of Peter’s eyewitness experience, he appealed to an even better source “the prophetic word more fully confirmed” (2 Peter 1:19). As reliable and helpful as Peter’s experience was, “the prophetic word” of Scripture is “more fully confirmed”. As we follow the story of God’s redemptive plan throughout the Bible it is God Himself who repeatedly emphasizes that His inspired word is inerrant, infallible, and the all-sufficient source of truth, which does not require human confirmation. Peter is giving us an iron-clad way to stand against the errors of false http://teachers...know and use your Bible.


May 22, 2022 • Andrew Murch

2 Peter 1:12-15 | Andrew Murch | Little yellow sticky notes often fill our work and living spaces with REMINDERS! Take the car in for an oil change, schedule an appointment, cancel that subscription, and on it goes. How come we always forget about that one? Like these sticky notes, Peter is delivering his final reminders in this letter, but here in verses 12-15 we get a glimpse into his heart behind his final instructions. Peter reminds the church of the Christlike qualities he listed in the previous verses and says he will continually remind them of these. Perhaps it’s because Peter’s recipients, much like us, need constant reminders in our lives. It is easy for us to slip into old patterns of sin or to become blind to the reality of our new life in Christ. These words are for them and for us that we would remember what Christ has done and live in light of that. We also see that Peter appears to know these may be his final words and reminders. He shares he will soon be killed for his faith and chooses his reminders carefully. Though Peter would indeed be martyred, the Church for thousands of years later would hear these words of the Holy Spirit through Peter you’re reading today.

Trigger Warning

May 15, 2022 • Andrew Murch

2 Peter 1:3-11 | Andrew Murch | Peter is aware that these may be the last words he speaks to his spiritual children and he wants them not to forget all that he’s taught them. Peter has preached, discipled, trained, written, and made it his mission to share the gospel of Christ. As he wraps up his life work he tells his children, “you have everything you need to succeed in living for Christ!” They don’t have to be afraid or worry as time moves on and the apostles depart, they have been given the grace of Christ and the Spirit to empower them. It’s with this tone that Peter starts his letter with confidence that the believers are fully equipped, and reminds them to commit to Christ and become more like him day by day. This encouragement is also our today.

The Blessing of Knowledge

May 8, 2022 • Noah Soistmann

2 Peter 1:1-2 | Noah Soistmann | As Peter begins his final written words and letter to the churches, he makes sure there is no mistake in who is sending this letter. From the opening, Peter clarifies that he is the Peter who saw Jesus, walked with Jesus, even denied Jesus, but was forgiven and brought back by Jesus. This is the Peter who witnessed Jesus transfigured in front of his eyes, saw him lifted up on the cross, raised from the dead, and lifted up into heaven. Peter was there when Jesus sent the Spirit and was sent out to preach the gospel to all who would hear. Throughout his letter, Peter is going to confront doubters who are saying that Jesus is delaying, he won’t come back, and who scoff at his teaching. Peter is an eyewitness of the ministry of Jesus and tells those reading this letter to not be fooled! Jesus will return and he will have something to say to the righteous and the wicked. Peter speaks to those who in impatience are leaving the way of Jesus and his teachings. With his final words, Peter implores the believers to hold tight to Jesus! In this short intro, Peter identifies Jesus as God, the one who has the final say. He calls Jesus Lord and savior, the one who frees us from sin and to whom our whole lives are to be lived for.