The Gospel According to Luke

The Journey

How OUGHT we to live?

November 29, 2020 • Bill Clem

Bill Clem · This week we close out the fourth installment of The Gospel According to Luke. In this section of Luke's account, we read about Jesus healing a woman on the Sabbath and then teaching his followers about the kingdom of God with two comparisons.

Watching the News with Jesus

November 22, 2020 • Sam Cassese

Sam Cassese · This week, we read as Jesus continues his discourse by calling the surrounding crowd to turn away from their sins. When listeners in the crowd ask Jesus about a recent event in Galilee, Jesus corrects their thinking and reminds them that Israel needs to repent. Jesus then teaches the crowd about Israel’s need to repent and bear fruit through the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree. Here, Jesus compares Israel to the barren tree and he makes it clear that time is running out for Israel to bear real fruit. Altogether, Luke 13:1-9 shows us that the answer to Jesus’ call to remain vigilant and faithful is to repent and bear fruit.

Luke 12:35-59

November 15, 2020 • Jake Gamble

Jake Gamble · As we continue in Jesus’ address to his disciples and the surrounding crowds, we read of Jesus warning his followers to remain vigilant. There is no question about it... Jesus is coming back soon! So, how will that reality change the way we live now? Jesus exhorts his followers to “stay dressed for action” and “be like men who are waiting for their master.” It is in this season of waiting that we are to be like faithful servants who continue to carry out their tasks despite the unknown of when their master will return. This passage reveals Jesus’ continuing anticipation for his coming suffering and instructs on how we are to live as God’s people while on this earth.

The Father and the Fool

November 8, 2020 • Andrew Murch

Andrew Murch · As Jesus continues his teaching, someone in the crowd asks him to mediate an inheritance issue. This seems reasonable enough; to ask a rabbi to weigh in on moral issues. But Jesus turns the question on its head, instead telling a story about a man who stores up treasure for himself. He follows with a beautiful passage on anxiety, reminding us that God is sovereign and that we have a Father who cares for us.

Standing Room Only

November 1, 2020 • Sam Cassese

Sam Cassese · It's in Luke 12 where thousands upon thousands of people are gathering to see and hear Jesus. That’s when Jesus turns to his disciples and gives them important instructions about their interactions with the Pharisees and any future persecution as a result of following him. Here, we see that we are to fear the Lord and we will have nothing to fear.

When Jesus Comes to Dinner

October 25, 2020 • Andrew Murch

Andrew Murch · Jesus’ ministry continues, more and more people know about him, and he has become more and more polarizing. Like the rest of Scripture, this week’s text puts a mirror in front of us and asks: from whom does your righteousness come from? Is it man-made or is it Christ-transformed?

Picking Sides

October 18, 2020 • Andrew Murch

Andrew Murch · As we move our way through the gospel according to Luke, this week feels like a hodge-podge of random and disconnected moments in Jesus’ ministry. We just came from such iconic moments like Jesus’ time with Mary and Martha and teaching his disciples how to pray. But what in the world is going on in this week's text? People think Jesus is demon-possessed, he gives us a lesson about demons, rebukes a lady for calling his mom blessed, talks about Jonah and the Queen of Sheba, and then ends on some teaching about light. Jesus, what are you talking about? This week, we find out!

The Answer to Your Prayers

October 11, 2020 • Andrew Murch

Andrew Murch · All throughout Luke’s gospel, we find Jesus praying. Apparently, one of the disciples noticed this as well. So he asks. After showing us how to pray, Jesus tells a parable about God’s response to our prayer and encourages us to pray, urging us to ask, because God is a heavenly Father who longs to give good gifts to us, his children.

A Tale of Two Sisters

October 4, 2020 • Sam Cassese

Sam Cassese · This week, we read a story about two sisters who had the opportunity to meet Jesus. Not only did they meet him... they were able to welcome him into their house! But while they had Jesus over, these sisters had differing ideas about what was most important, they had different priorities, a different focus, and a different opinion about what was most necessary.

Redeeming Samaritans

September 27, 2020 • Andrew Murch

Andrew Murch · In one of the most widely known parables, we see Jesus answer two massive questions: - What do I do to get to heaven? - Who counts as a neighbor deserving of my love?

Field Mission

September 20, 2020 • Andrew Murch

Andrew Murch · This week, we come to the beginning of Luke 10. This section continues the dramatic shift that we saw last week as Jesus’ “set his face toward Jerusalem” (Luke 9:51b, 53b). Luke 10:1-24 is a section of Luke's gospel that shows the reality of Jesus’ ultimate mission on earth. As he sends out more messengers, Jesus commands his followers to tell the people that “the kingdom of God has come near to you.” This declaration, Jesus makes clear, is for all the people, whether they receive his followers or reject them.

A Journey with No Detours

September 13, 2020 • Andrew Murch

Andrew Murch · This week, we resume the Gospel According to Luke. Up to this point we have seen Jesus feed thousands, cast out demons, calm stormy seas, and even raise the dead. However, beginning here we see a shift in Luke’s narrative. Luke 9:51 says, “When the days drew near for (Jesus) to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem.” It is in this moment that we see the trajectory of Jesus’ earthly ministry turn. Now we know that this turn will eventually lead to Jesus’ crucifixion, but it will ultimately end with his resurrection from the grave.