One Thing

Philippians 3:12-16

October 29, 2023 • Andrew Murch • Philippians 3:12–16

Philippians 3:12-16 | Andrew Murch | Running for the health of it is one thing; running for first place is still another. However, we can look at this passage as one running for their very lives. People facing the fury of a huge storm in a disaster movie don’t go back into their house for the heirloom dining set as the tidal wave approaches their city. They leave all possessions that would weigh them down for the chance at safety. Likewise, soldiers in war do not casually stroll across open spaces hoping that the other side has poor aim. They sprint towards their objective from cover to cover with nerves and senses alert to avoid a fatal shot. Surely, a man chased by wolves in the snowy mountains does not stop to number the jaws barking at his heels. No, he hoofs it with all possible haste towards shelter. The prize is life itself. Giving up the race is to accept death.

Your Giving is Your Gain

November 26, 2023 • Joshua Ryan Butler • Philippians 4:14–23

Philippians 4:14-23 | Josh Butler | By his grace and according to his own design, God has determined that one of the primary means for the sending, supporting, and sustaining of gospel workers is the Church. In part, ‘to be the Church’ means to support the work of gospel ministry, to partner with gospel laborers, and to be an agent of encouragement for those putting their hands to the plow of evangelism and church planting. God is exceedingly gracious for calling every Christian to plan a part in this most glorious of tasks.

The Secret to Contentment

November 19, 2023 • Andrew Murch • Philippians 4:10–13

Philippians 4:10-13 | Andrew Murch | Here, Paul discusses the way that the Lord has provided for him in times of need, both through the church in Philippi and through His nearness. In verse 10, readers see Paul discussing how the church’s concern for him has been revived as they had an opportunity to care for him. He continues to discuss throughout the later three verses how the Lord has provided for him by bringing him the contentment that is only found in Jesus! We may not currently find ourselves in a similar situation to Paul (arrested for sharing the gospel) but we all know the trials and temptations that life in our world can bring. Like Paul, let us learn to cast our eyes to Jesus to whom all our joy and contentment can be found.

The Beginning of the End

November 12, 2023 • Andrew Murch • Philippians 4:2–9

Philippians 4:2-9 | Andrew Murch | Joy and peace often seem to be a package deal. Like inseparable friends, one is seldom seen without the other. In fact, they even start looking alike after a while. There they are, side by side, in Paul’s list of spiritual fruit (Gal. 5:22), and, just as he suggests, they both wave invitingly to us from the lives of those we admire most, as we see in Philippians 4:2-9.