Open Doors and Dividing Walls

Acts 14:1-28

May 28, 2023 • Josh Lane

Acts 14:1-28 | Josh Lane | Imagine being worshipped as a God and then chased down for murder all in the same day. Welcome to a day in the life of Paul the missionary. Paul and Barnabas set out on their first missionary journey together after having been driven out of Antioch and Pisidia. By the power of the Holy Spirit, they begin to “speak boldly” for the Lord (Luke 14:3) and a whole number of things happen. There is awe, amazement, and belief from both Jews and Gentiles in response to the word preached and the proof signs that the Lord worked through these men. However, in opposition to this there are Jews who begin to create division and stir up strife amongst those being preached to. On top of that, there are people who misinterpret the signs given by God through Paul and Barnabas, and they then begin to worship these men as gods! This is so shocking, appalling, and not the fruit they are seeking from their ministry. Not only could they not convince the crowds of the truth, more dissenters come and stir up enough hatred in the crowd that Paul is stoned nearly to death. What happened over the course of these days is jarring to the senses and may even strike fear in the hearts of the disciples.

Freedom in Christ

June 25, 2023 • Noah Soistmann

Acts 16:11-40 | Noah Soistmann | This passage is a beautiful reminder for us to slow down and look for where the Lord is working. Instead of rushing from one thing to the next, constantly distracting ourselves, what would it cost to slow down, to look others in the eyes, and pray for the Lord’s leading? Who could the Lord lead you to this week?

The Builder

June 18, 2023 • Andrew Murch

Acts 16:1-10 | Andrew Murch | Have you ever taken a moment to look back through your family line and trace the impact of the gospel? Do you know who was the first person in your family to follow Jesus? For some of us it’s parents, or grandparents, or even great-grandparents who passed on the faith. For many, it’s starting with you right now! You are beginning a culture of passing on the faith to your family. For both we praise God! The Lord is creating His family and He often does it within the context of our individual families.

Break Point

June 11, 2023 • Andrew Murch

Acts 15:36-41 Andrew Murch | After being a fly on the wall at a moment of division and clarity for the church, we now are let into a conversation that seems like another very small debate. Two friends, Paul and Barnabas, co-laborers in the gospel, have a disagreement. This is the Barnabas who was the only one to welcome Paul into the faith. These two men have journeyed in missions together, preached the Good News together, and have faced harsh persecution and near death together. They are bonded in Christ, and yet when it comes to deciding the next step in their ministry, the two men debate. Apparently, it’s also a big enough argument to lead to them going their separate ways as they continue to preach the gospel and baptize new Christians.