Words of Worship

Praise Psalms of David

Part 1: Halal

November 7, 2021 • Pastor Luke Uran • Psalm 146

The Hebrew word *Halal* means to boast; to rave; to shine; to celebrate. As we open a three-week series on worship, we begin with giving God what is his alone: our praise, adoration and trust.

Part 2: Zamar

November 14, 2021 • Pastor Josh Pardee • Psalm 144

The Hebrew word *Zamar* means praise God with music and celebrate in song. In a pivotal moment for both himself and his nation, David worships God with everything he has. And the focus of his worship falls not on his problems, but on who God is.

Part 3: Shabach

November 21, 2021 • Pastor Luke Uran • Psalm 145

The Hebrew word Shabach means to address in a loud tone, to shout, to commend, to glory or to declare triumph. This type of worship is celebratory and contagious. Along with this short message, Sunday’s services will feature extended musical worship and, in the second service, believer’s baptisms. Let’s celebrate together in praise of our God!