James: Everyday Faith

Part 6

June 5, 2022 • Pastor Luke Uran • James 5:13–20

As our series wraps up, James concludes his letter with an exhortation to pray in some very specific ways. Our spiritual health, and the health of the Church, hang in the balance.

Part 5

May 29, 2022 • Pastor Luke Uran • James 4:1–12

What our world values and what God values are often vastly different. In fact, those conflicting desires are the source of most of our conflict, even as Christians. James points out this problem, but also offers the solution.

Part 4

May 22, 2022 • Pastor Josh Pardee • James 3:1–12

Most of us can remember words spoken over us at various points in our lives -- some destructive, some life-giving. James makes the point that words have the power to form, to change and yes, even to destroy. This week, we look at Christ-honoring ways to steward this immense responsibility.

Part 3

May 15, 2022 • Pastor Luke Uran • James 2:14–26

Faith and works. The passage is familiar, but too often, Christians assume we can be strong in one and weak in the other. As we'll see in this message, a living faith believes something much better.

Part 2

May 8, 2022 • Pastor Luke Uran • James 1:19–27

Always, and especially in times of trial, listening and obeying are key factors in following Christ and finding true freedom. Join us for Part 2 of our series from the book of James.

Part 1

May 1, 2022 • Pastor Luke Uran • James 1:1–8

This week we launch a six-part study of the book of James, the first New Testament book written. Immediately as his letter to the church begins, James addresses one of the most fundamental questions of faith: How do we respond when bad things happen to us?