Part 4: The Voice of the Shepherd

April 24, 2022 • Pastor Josh Pardee • John 10

Sheep learn to recognize and follow their shepherd's voice, but they are also vulnerable. They need to learn to disregard other voices that would lead them astray. This week, we look at what it means for us to learn the voice of Jesus, the Lamb of God who is now our shepherd.

Part 3: Until Jesus...

April 17, 2022 • Pastor Luke Uran • John 20:1–18, Revelation 5:11–14

There's a detail we tend to overlook in that wonderful scene at the empty tomb: Even the eyewitnesses still held varying levels of unbelief. The way Jesus helped them with their unbelief is the same way he helps us today.

Part 2: Make Straight the Way

April 10, 2022 • Pastor Luke Uran • John 1:19–39

John the Baptist knew his message: "Get ready." His mission was to point not at himself, but to Jesus, the Lamb of God. Our lives can look like that, too.

Part 1: The Prequel

April 3, 2022 • Pastor Luke Uran • Isaiah 53

As we open a new series leading through Easter, we first look to the Old Testament. The prophet Isaiah offers a beautiful summary of the gospel—and the first mention of Jesus as the Lamb.