Part 6: When Faith Drifts

February 13, 2022 • Pastor Luke Uran • Hebrews 6:1–12

This week's message from Hebrews includes a heartbreaking passage about the eternal consequences of falling away from faith. We'll confront this, knowing that many of us pray constantly for loved ones whose faith has drifted.

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Part 12: The One Anothers

March 27, 2022 • Pastor Luke Uran • Hebrews 13:1–19

As our Hebrews series draws to a close, the writer ends with a remarkable list of ways we can put this letter's theology into everyday practice.

Part 11: God's Discipline

March 20, 2022 • Pastor Josh Pardee • Hebrews 12

"Endure hardship as discipline." That's certainly not most Christians' favorite Bible verse. But what if we used a better definition of discipline? Not as God's punishment, but as his as his way to lovingly restore us, train us and form us?

Part 10: The Hall of Faith

March 13, 2022 • Pastor Luke Uran • Hebrews 11:1–12

The author of Hebrews first defines faith, then takes us through a series of heroic examples. In the process, we are reminded that faith isn't based on what we can see or understand—and that's OK.