Video Sermon Archive

Do Not Be Deceived - Ways To Protect Yourself

As lies, censorship, and propaganda surrounds us, it takes effort to identify Truth. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson offers seven ways to protect yourself from deception, such as cultivating humility, basing everything on the Scriptures, being wary of fantasy, and keeping your faith simple and plain. He also identifies several attitudes and behaviors that make us vulnerable to deceit and false prophecy, including having a limited awareness of Scripture. Pastor Allen’s points create "guardrails" that will help us distinguish Truth from deception.

Do Not be Deceived

We are walking through a time of dramatic deception, and we need to know how to recognize it because we are all vulnerable. Pastor Allen Jackson names three key coordinates we can use to discern whether something is true or false: If it aligns with Jesus, the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit, it’s truth! He talks about the fallacies of liberation theology, new age philosophies, false prophecy, the use of occult practices like seances and ouiji boards to predict the future, and other destructive movements that are prevalent in today’s culture. God’s Truth is the anecdote to deception, and with Jesus, we can not only be delivered from it, but be redeemed!

Protection From Deception - The Proverbs

What if you could recognize the paths that lead to blessings and avoid those that don’t? The book of Proverbs offers clear and succinct directions on how navigate life and pursue God’s best. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses the wisdom we find in Proverbs and why it’s worth instilling its truths in our lives. Each decision we make either brings us closer to God and His plans for us, or further away. It’s wise to take the time to know the instructions God gave us through the book of Proverbs, and then be diligent to put those teachings into practice.

Protection From Deception

Do you believe the Bible is true, actively applying its teachings to your life—or do you live as if it's a list of suggestions? In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses deception, its reality, and what we can do to protect ourselves from it. He shows various places people are being deceived today, the subtle ways deception sneaks in, and the importance of knowing the Bible and practicing what it says. When we choose to believe the Bible, we find a firm foundation for our lives that gives us the ability to discern truth from deception.

God Is For Us

Do we have room to imagine the Lord is with us, even when our circumstances are less than ideal? In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson shows how God’s presence dwelled with people who earnestly sought after Him, including Abraham, Joseph, Joshua, Gideon, Samuel, David, Hezekiah, Mary, and Jesus. Just as the Lord's presence resided with these Bible heroes, even amongst extreme hardships, He promises to be with us today. He will guide, protect, and dwell with us, as we earnestly seek Him and submit to His plans for our lives.

National Day of Prayer Service 2024

God responds to the prayers of His people, and throughout the Bible we find examples of prayer changing the course of nations. In this 2024 National Day of Prayer celebration, Pastor Allen leads the congregation through prayers for ourselves, our leaders, our nation, and our world. “Your role in this is mission critical,” Pastor Allen said. “We're asking the Creator of all things to engage with us in impacting our generation. That's a tremendous privilege!” Let’s be diligent to ask for God’s mercy, grace, and blessings upon our nation.

The Power to Change the Future

You have the power to change your future, but do you believe it? In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson reminds us of who God is and what He is capable of doing. When we choose to align ourselves with God and follow His direction for our lives, we gain access to His power, wisdom, understanding, and grace—and that changes everything. Pastor Allen discusses the life of Ahab, a king who was so ungodly that 1 Kings 25 tells us, “There was none who sold himself to do what was evil in the sight of the LORD like Ahab.” Ahab repented of his sinful ways after receiving a prophetic message from Elijah. God turned Ahab’s heart back to Him, and He can do the same in any heart today. Pastor Allen offers a powerful Psalm we can pray over our lives to invite the Holy Spirit to help us repent and forgive so we can draw closer to God and seek Him more fully.

Culture & Christianity

Our assignment is to honor the Lord and use our lives for His purposes, wherever He places us. In this message, Pastor Allen Jackson offers three powerful examples of this as he interviews Chad Robichaux, Kayleigh McEnany, and Eric Metaxas. As a former Force Recon Marine, a New York Times Bestselling author, and a former Press Secretary for President Donald Trump, they each have very different callings on their lives, but there is a unifying quality in all three. They are each willing to lay down their lives and allow God to use their talents, abilities, and life experiences to strengthen the people around them and our nation. As they share their stories, we see different types of courage the Church desperately needs.

God Is Moving - Let's Join Him

If you sense that God is moving and causing changes in the world around you, let your response be, “I want to move with You, God.” In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson helps us recognize when God is moving and how we can engage with that movement. Blessings come with following God in new ways, but choosing to ignore or reject His invitations comes with consequences. Pastor Allen discusses several characteristics that take place when God is in motion and offers actions we can take to be awakened to what He is doing and the important role we each play in His unfolding plan.

Kingdom Participation

It’s increasingly important for the Church to understand the authority that’s ours, the assignments we’ve been given, and how to be bold, courageous, and active participants in God’s Kingdom. Pastor Allen Jackson discusses how to become more aware of the Kingdom of God and the components necessary to participate in it. Following God begins with being willing to change, listening to the Lord, and spending time meditating on His Word. Pastor Allen offers encouragement and insight to help.

God Is Moving - New Heroes

In Acts 19, seven different things happened to show that God was changing people’s hearts, and we can see many of those same events taking place today. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson offers biblical insight to help us recognize when God is moving. He also discusses our need to reconsider the heroes in our lives. The people we typically consider to be heroes—celebrities, sports stars, and actors—often lead lives that point people away from God, not toward Him. We need to be wise about who we surround ourselves with and who we follow, because they help define the trajectory of our lives.

God Is Moving - Lessons in Listening

Perhaps the single most consistent characteristic of the people of God, throughout the Bible, is they listen to God’s voice. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson offers insight on what it means to listen to the Lord and provides steps we can take to draw closer to God so we can hear Him better. In Judges 6 and 7, God gave Gideon a very difficult and seemingly impossible assignment, and his willingness to follow the Lord led to supernatural results. God continues to call people into challenging assignments today, and deciding to listen and obey His direction comes with many blessings and benefits.

Discerning the Times

Allen Jackson

Air Date: October 29th - When God moves, what does that mean? How do you navigate through a season of transition? What does it look like to live in the middle of a miracle? In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson offers insight on how to discern what God is doing in our present world. Using Scripture, he highlights behaviors and habits we need to avoid, and those to intentionally cultivate, as we continue following God into uncharted times.

Israel, the Church and the Nations

Why is it important to pray for Jerusalem and the peace of Israel? Pastor Allen Jackson explains the unique roles that Israel, the Church, and the nations play in establishing God’s Kingdom on the Earth. God created an everlasting covenant with the Jewish people, promising blessings to those who support Israel, and curses to those who come against it. Pastor Allen uses scripture to explain why it’s in our best interest to intentionally love, pray, and care for Israel, Jerusalem, and the Jewish people—and offers tools to help us get started.

God Is Moving - Israel, the Church, & the Nations

God is moving in unprecedented ways, and we can see evidence of this in many places, including Israel. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses Israel and its significance to the Church and other nations. He shares his observations about current conditions in Israel, after spending several days in the country, including a visit to a Kibbutz that was invaded on October 7 by Hamas. “Some people have denied the attacks, and say they didn’t happen,” Pastor Allen said. “I can tell you they lie.” He discusses why Israel matters to God, and why it should matter to us. He also offers biblical and historical insight to show how a nation’s support of Israel brings God’s blessings and protection, while oppressing Israel and its people invites God’s judgment and wrath.