The Power to Change the Future

Air Date: May 20th & 21st

You have the power to change your future, but do you believe it? In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson reminds us of who God is and what He is capable of doing. When we choose to align ourselves with God and follow His direction for our lives, we gain access to His power, wisdom, understanding, and grace—and that changes everything. Pastor Allen discusses the life of Ahab, a king who was so ungodly that 1 Kings 25 tells us, “There was none who sold himself to do what was evil in the sight of the LORD like Ahab.” Ahab repented of his sinful ways after receiving a prophetic message from Elijah. God turned Ahab’s heart back to Him, and He can do the same in any heart today. Pastor Allen offers a powerful Psalm we can pray over our lives to invite the Holy Spirit to help us repent and forgive so we can draw closer to God and seek Him more fully.

Women, Wives & Mothers (Export)

“When Jesus became real to my mom, everything was different. ” Pastor Allen Jackson said. "I didn't know my mom a long time without Jesus, but I'm telling you, the Jesus version was better.” Godly mothers make an enormous difference in the world, and in this sermon, Pastor Allen discusses lessons we can learn from them. He shares the events that led his parents to come to faith, and how pursuing Jesus changed his family’s daily life. He offers simple practices he learned from his parents that can build our faith and encourage the people around us to draw closer to God.

Do Not Be Deceived - Ways To Protect Yourself

As lies, censorship, and propaganda surrounds us, it takes effort to identify Truth. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson offers seven ways to protect yourself from deception, such as cultivating humility, basing everything on the Scriptures, being wary of fantasy, and keeping your faith simple and plain. He also identifies several attitudes and behaviors that make us vulnerable to deceit and false prophecy, including having a limited awareness of Scripture. Pastor Allen’s points create "guardrails" that will help us distinguish Truth from deception.

Do Not be Deceived

We are walking through a time of dramatic deception, and we need to know how to recognize it because we are all vulnerable. Pastor Allen Jackson names three key coordinates we can use to discern whether something is true or false: If it aligns with Jesus, the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit, it’s truth! He talks about the fallacies of liberation theology, new age philosophies, false prophecy, the use of occult practices like seances and ouiji boards to predict the future, and other destructive movements that are prevalent in today’s culture. God’s Truth is the anecdote to deception, and with Jesus, we can not only be delivered from it, but be redeemed!