Faith Mountains - Then The End Will Come

Air Date: June 20th & 21st

The Bible makes it clear that time will come to an end. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses this truth and how it should influence the way we approach our daily lives. The end of our physical existence is not the end of us—our spirits live on. God has a plan for us beyond time, and we can choose to participate and help build His Kingdom today or go our own way. It can be hard to stand up for God and His Truth, and Pastor Allen offers several scriptures that remind us that our strength and security comes from the Lord, not governments, and not men. Let’s recognize the places we’ve been hesitant in our faith, repent, then step back into the arena as unrelenting advocates of Jesus of Nazareth as Lord, Christ, and King.

The End of This Age - Stand Firm

June 7, 2020

We must change the way we think about the spiritual forces at work around us, Pastor Allen Jackson says. Ignoring them is a naïve and unhelpful response and does not remove us from their influence. Satan rules a kingdom that flourishes in the midst of deception, lies, and partial truths. Jesus won the battle on the cross, and the victory is ours; but Satan has not been banished from this realm yet, so we are still on assignment to be salt and light in the conflict with the unseen forces of evil. Our response is not passive—hiding in our homes and church buildings. We are called to intentionally engage and resist the evil in our world. When we stand firm in our faith and make a difference for God’s Kingdom, we declare the victory that is ours through the redemptive work of Jesus.

America - Restored or Rebuked

Allen Jackson

Air Date: November 1st & 2nd - God is dealing with His people in our nation, and we can't afford to ignore it. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses issues the United States currently faces including lawlessness, illegal immigration, censorship, and division, and the role of God’s people in the face of this adversity. Our primary allegiance must always be to God’s eternal Kingdom, not an earthly nation, yet God has called us to stand in this time, in this place, for His purposes. Pastor Allen discusses the value of work, the paralyzing effects of fear, and the importance of living out our faith, exactly where God placed us.

Let's Please God

Let's please God. Making that statement the focus of our lives will cause the troubles of this world to dim as we engage in the specific assignments God has for us each day. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson talks about the freedom that comes from choosing to please the Lord in each decision we make. Our tendency is to please men or fit in with the culture. This is nothing new; we see examples of this behavior throughout the Bible. The truth is that our choices either please the Lord—or they don’t. There is no middle ground. Let’s be a generation that’s defined by our willingness to please God.