
My Name Is


March 5, 2023 • Pete Walde

Peter Walde continues the "My Name Is" series. What does it mean to say Jesus is the Son of God? This central confession of the faith concerning Jesus’ identity inevitably involves a Trinitarian understanding of God. It also tells us that Jesus’ sonship is not only for his own sake but also for our sake because he became man so that through him and in the Holy Spirit we may know the Father and share in all that he is and has.


February 26, 2023 • Bryce Dick

Jesus is the Physician. He healed the sick and all kinds of physical problems but his healing goes SO much deeper than that.


February 19, 2023 • James Waddell

James Waddell gives a message about Jesus being The Resurrection, meeting us right in the middle of death and grief with His compassionate presence and life. Even death will not separate us from God. God comes into our very worst and transforms it with His love.


November 13, 2022 • Scott Klaudt

Pastor Scott ended this important series with the most important topic: redemption. There are lots of topics in the Scriptures, many moral decrees, but no topic is more affirmed or more mentioned than redemption. But you can’t mention redemption without atonement, and with many atonement theories, which one is correct? Which one represents the father‘s heart the best? Listen and find out.


November 6, 2022 • Pete Walde

Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. He is prefigured in the sacrifice provided for Abraham, the Passover Lamb of the Exodus, and the suffering servant of Isaiah. He fulfills these types as the one through whom God provides a New Exodus from death to life. Jesus is referred to as the Lamb in Revelation more than any other book. Revelation is an incredibly difficult book to interpret yet we can see through its “central and centering vision” in ch. 4-5 that the two images of Lion and Lamb are forged inseparably together to represent our one Lord Jesus Christ. As Lamb he lays down his life as a self-sacrifice on our behalf while as Lion he conquers, “trampling down death by his death.” The Lion-Lamb, who alone is worthy, Jesus Christ is the Conqueror! Ἰησοῦς Χριστὸς Νίκα!


October 30, 2022 • Scott Klaudt

Jesus makes a profound statement that no other prophet or leader has ever made: He is the way. Buddha never claimed to be the way; he said we have the way in us and we have to find it ourselves. Mohammed never claimed to be the way, but that in a revelation from God he can show the way. Only Jesus claimed not just to show the way or have the way but to be the way. Then he lays out the way in Matthew 5, 6, and 7 -- the kingdom way, the only way.


October 23, 2022 • Scott Klaudt

As we continue in our series on the names of Jesus, we come to the name that we never think about with him: Friend. Some Christians have said that it’s rude, unholy, and disrespectful to call God your friend. But Jesus showed us that all great relationships start with friendship, and He even said "I don’t call you slaves, I call you friends." Just like any friendship, as it grows closer, it moves into a family relationship. Your best friend becomes your brother or your sister, and Jesus says He is our friend and our big brother.


October 16, 2022 • Scott Klaudt

There’s been a huge fight about the creation account ever since Darwin came along. The problem is we miss some of the main points regarding the reason we were created in the first place. Adam and Eve's marriage represented our marriage to Christ, and now we are his Bride. Listen to Pastor Scott’s message as he shares some profound connections to the creation account and as the Bride of Christ.


October 9, 2022 • Scott Klaudt

In the "My Name Is" series, Pastor Scott preached on Jesus being the High Priest -- the fulfillment of every high priest who’s ever lived. That message makes one wonder, "What does the high priest do?" This week we looked at Jesus being the judge; so not only is He a high priest mediating between us and God, but He is also in charge of the judgment. The fact is, in John 12, Jesus told us the cross was the judgment, sin and death are over, and now it’s what we do with the cross. This means that sin is off the table, but it doesn’t mean we won’t be judged by what we do with the grace of God.


October 2, 2022 • Scott Klaudt

Every religion around the world has a high priest of sorts. This didn’t start with the Jewish people, but after the fall when man felt God needed appeasement. Jesus enters that man-made system but as a different high priest. A spiritual priest.


September 25, 2022 • Scott Klaudt

This week in the "My Name Is" series, we look at a phrase that St. Paul used a few times. It’s a phrase filled with mystery, depth, and hope. Jesus was called the “Last Adam” and one particular verse opens up a world of discovery: “As in Adam all die, as in Christ all live.” Does all mean…all?


September 18, 2022 • Scott Klaudt

In Week 2, Pastor Scott tackles a very important subject: Did Jesus claim to be God? Some sects of Christianity say no, and the Jews for sure say He wasn’t. But the fact is, our English translations have added a single word that has screwed everything up: He. Jesus always referred to himself as the “I AM” which is the name of God, but our translations have added “I am he.” That’s a big no-no because that is completely different from Jesus claiming to be God in whom we give our worship. Do you believe?

My Name Is: CHRIST

September 11, 2022 • Scott Klaudt

Jesus is the Christ, not his last name is Christ. In our opening sermon in “My Name Is” series, we look at what the “Christ” actually means. The OT Kings were called “Christs” and it means “one anointed with oil to be separated for service to God.” There have been many “Little Christs” but only Jesus was the real deal.