
Heartwarming Prayer: The Fire of Contending

January 18, 2015

January 18, 2015 • Pastor Lance Bane

Consideration. Consecration. Contending. It's an exhilirating path to walk in fellowship with God. Hannah, the Old Testament prayer heroine and mother of the prophet Samuel took her barrenness to God and "contended" for an answer. What is surprisingly powerful is that God's answer to her prayer moved in concert with His heart for the nation of Israel.

Heartwarming Prayer: The Fire of Construction

March 8, 2015 • Pastor Lance Bane

A strong prayer life is focused, personal and prioritized. No one stumbles into a brilliant prayer life. Jesus gave us a model for prayer, called the Lord's prayer, and it helps us stay focused, engaged in intimacy with God and praying the central themes of God's heart. Grab a cold drink, your bible and your notepad as Pastor Lance shares the final message in the series "Heartwarming Prayer".

Heartwarming Prayer: The Fire of Clarity (People)

March 1, 2015 • Pastor Lance Bane

We have been given "7 Points of Prayer" for 2015 and today Pastor Lance shares his heart about "People". Jesus saw people as "sheep without a shepherd being harassed and tormented". In this message we are reminded that God asks us to ask Him to hurl people into the harvest field, demonstrating compassion and stopping for the one.

Heartwarming Prayer: The Fire of Clarity (Power)

February 22, 2015 • Pastor Lance Bane

What we are a part of is bigger than the part we play, but the part we play is prayer; which is partnership with Jesus for the transformation of history. Prayer then, is how we release God's power to bear upon human need. We face monumental crises in this hour. We need the power of God at work in us, so we can most effectively partner with God.