
Christ Crucified: How to Change Your Thinking With the Mind of Christ

March 17, 2024 • Matt Mylin

In part two of our series, Christ Crucified, Pastor Matt reminds us what we know from Paul's passage in 1 Corinthians 2: 1-16; that we have access to the mind of Christ because God reveals Jesus by the power of his word and his Spirit. 

That means your thoughts, opinions, memory, practices, feelings, emotions, and discernment, can all be guided by the mind of Christ.

Drawing from the wisdom of scripture and the empowering guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can see how to align our thoughts, opinions, and actions with the mind of Jesus. Learn how to elevate God's word above human understanding, rely confidently on the Holy Spirit, and discern truth in a world filled with conflicting perspectives. 

The Message of the Cross: God's Wisdom and Resurrection Power

March 31, 2024 • Matt Mylin

On this Easter Sunday, we continued our journey to be determined like Paul to know nothing except Christ and him crucified. In Rome the cross was used as punishment to control people, but how would God use the cross to save people? For Christians, the message of the cross reveals God’s plan of redemption for those who believe through his death on the cross and resurrection life. It's God’s wisdom and power revealed. In this message wrapping up our series "Christ Crucified," Pastor Matt talks about three ways the message of the cross reveals the power of God to save.

Christ Crucified: God's Revealed Wisdom Conquers Our Self-Deception

March 24, 2024 • Matt Mylin

Stop deceiving yourself.  That might sound a bit harsh, but that's the warning Paul shares in 1 Corinthians 3: 1-23.   We can think we aren't controlled by our sinful nature when in reality, we are. And we can think we have wisdom because we are basing it on the world's standards. That's self-deception. Humans will strive to gain wisdom of this world. That's human wisdom gained by human effort. We know scripture says that's foolishness. Paul had evidence to show how people were still being controlled by their sinful nature and self-deception. This week, Pastor Matt guides us through that evidence with four questions we can use to examine ourselves to avoid deception. Ultimately, God's wisdom is revealed, not gained.

Christ Crucified: God’s Plan For You to Know Him

March 10, 2024 • Matt Mylin

This Easter, we will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and we can confidently say, 'The same power that raised Christ from the dead lives in me.'  But in this new series, "Christ Crucified," we will study the Apostle Paul's statement in 1 Corinthians 2:2. where he says, “For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.”(1 Cor. 2:2 NASB 1995) Christ Crucified reveals something about God’s love, wisdom and power that no other knowledge will reveal.  The significance of Christ Crucified is that it's God's plan for us to deeply know him. In this message, Pastor Matt shares three things Christ's crucifixion reveals about God and three things that knowing Christ's crucifixion reveals about us.