
Life is like a PUZZLE

Lesson 64

September 21, 2023 • Genesis 42:36—44:34

Life is like a puzzle. Each event in our life is like a piece of that puzzle. But if we don’t have a picture of what the puzzle is supposed to look like ahead of time, we can be confused. Today we will learn that God can see the whole picture. We can’t, so that means most of our lives will mean living out our puzzle by faith! Join us as we continue our study in the book of Genesis and how this plays out with Joseph.

More from Genesis

Finishing Our Life Well

December 7, 2023 • Lisa Laizure • Genesis 47:29—50:26

What will matter on your deathbed? Sounds a little morbid, but think about right before you take your last breath - will you be thinking about God’s kingdom and heaven or thinking about your kingdom and how sad you are to leave this earth? This week Jacob and Joseph will leave the pages of Scripture and we will learn why it matters that we end well.

Even in Egypt, God Had a Plan

November 30, 2023 • Genesis 46:1—47:28

Sometimes we get confused when God moves us, especially when it doesn’t make any sense. Today we will see how this plays out as Jacob and his family have to move from Israel to Egypt and what we learn is this: no matter what is going on in our life, God is with us. God has a plan. God is always working behind the scenes. Join us today as we continue through Genesis.

Hamas.  Hezbollah.  Iran.

November 11, 2023 • Joel Richardson & Lisa Laizure

With everything going on in Israel with Hamas Iran and Hezbollah does that have anything to do with End Times? Is this the beginning of the end? What should we be looking out for next on the prophetic timeline? Today I will talk to Joel Richardson and he will answer these questions for us.