
Different God, Different Jesus, Different Salvation

Lesson 2

July 29, 2020

Are there really Forever Families in heaven? Are there really 3 levels of heaven? Were gold tablets really given to Joseph Smith? The Mormon church teaches that but the Bible does not. Join us as Mike Winger discusses these very important differences so we can do what Jude - the brother of Jesus said to do which is "Contend for the faith (Jesus alone) that was once delivered"

Roman Catholicism - A Wrong Way to Salvation

August 12, 2020 • Mike Winger & Lisa Laizure

Today we will talk about Mary - the mother of Jesus – a woman clearly blessed by God but the Catholic church teaches things about her that are not biblically true. Can we pray to Mary? Is she a perpetual virgin? Is she Co-Redeemer with Jesus and Mediatrix of grace? These are shocking statements and very unbiblical so in this session we will talk about this and the extra books in the Catholic bible called the Apocrypha.

Why the Bible Says Not to Be a Roman Catholic

August 6, 2020 • Mike Winger & Lisa Laizure

Jesus said salvation is based on Him alone but is that what the Catholic church teaches? Is Purgatory biblical? Why is "grace" different from a Catholic perspective than a biblical perspective? Is Catholicism a "works based religion?" Join us for a very important and informative hour with Mike Winger!

Why the Bible Says Not To Be a Mormon

July 22, 2020 • Mike Winger & Lisa Laizure

Do Mormons believe in the same God? What about the same Jesus? How did this religion start? Why should their “testimony” not be taken serious? Join us for Session 3 of our Contending for the Faith Series with Mike Winger as we learn why Mormonism CANNOT be considered biblical Christianity and why this religion is one we need to Contend with in order to point people to the true faith that was once delivered which is Jesus alone!