
Why We Stop Reading the Bible

Lesson 7

June 30, 2021

January 1. We are excited to start our "read through the Bible in a year" program but something happens! We make it to Leviticus and then we quit. We are confused. There are rules and laws and the Bible says to do things that make no sense to us so we put the Bible down and never pick it up again! So today let's make sure that never happens again because we are going to see why all those Laws were in place and what that has to do with us today!

More from Galatians

Our Life SHOULD Change!

Are things changing in our life? The way we act – the way we talk – the way we love people – the way we see the world – are those things different since we became a follower of Jesus? Because if we say we are Christians - everything should look different to us! Join us today for our final lesson in our Galatian series.


August 11, 2021

Why Don’t I Feel Free?

August 4, 2021

Do you feel free as a Christian? Jesus came to set us free but why don’t we actually FEEL free? Why do we live our life feeling like God is mad at us or we can never do enough to make Him happy? If that sounds like you then today’s lesson is just for you!