
The Season Of Teshuvah: Turning Back To The Father In Obedience

Turning Back To The Father In Obedience

September 9, 2017 • G. Steven Simons

In this video we will unpack what the Bible really says about repentance (Teshuvah) and how repentance and OBEDIENCE go hand in hand. The Torah explicitly teaches that to repent is to wholeheartedly turn to YAH in obedience to His Word. It is NOT just saying I'm sorry as many religious doctrines imply. It is engaging in restitution (making the wrong right), completely turning to Elohim, AND being OBEDIENT.

The Season Of Teshuvah: Turning From Sin and Preparing For Messiah's Return

September 2, 2017 • G. Steven Simons

This video is designed to assist believers in the process of sincere "Teshuvah" (a returning to YAH in humility and repentance, and walking in the ways of Yeshua). We discuss the current prophetic season and emphasize the urgency of Yeshua's return and the necessity of the bride to make herself ready. This teaching is a no-nonsense, direct, and powerful teaching that deals with the deception of sin and exposes the lies of religion that have so many in bondage and on the broadway that leads to destruction. Get ready to be challenged and changed!