
Home for the Holidays (Week 1: Church Relationships)

Learning to live with the ones you love

November 24, 2019 • Pastor Casey Sheffield

What do healthy church relationships look like? Why is it important? Join us as we're starting a brand new sermon series with the Associate Pastor of Trinity New Life Church, Pastor Casey Sheffield!

Home for the Holidays (Week 4: Your Romantic Relationship)

December 15, 2019 • Collin Hoke

What should our romantic relationships look like when the value you are looking for, you already have because of Jesus? Join us this week as we end our "Home for the Holidays" sermon series with our New Life Students Director, Collin Hoke!

Home for the Holidays (Week 3: Your Family)

December 8, 2019 • Pastor Clayton Bell

What kind of relationship does God expect us to have with our family because of Jesus? Where are we holding unrealistic expectations for our family? Join us as we continue "Home for the Holidays" sermon series with Pastor Clayton today!

Home for the Holidays (Week 2: Your Self)

December 1, 2019 • Pastor Clayton Bell

The only way we’ll have a right relationship with ourselves is to have a right relationship with Jesus. What habits, what patterns, or what "I AM" statements do you fall into that need to be adjusted and changed because of Jesus? Join us as we continue "Home for the Holidays" series with Pastor Clayton today.