
Spiritual Gifts

Diversity. Unity. Ministry.

The Truth About Prophecy

December 9, 2015 • Jeff Lyle

This final message in the Spiritual Gifts series takes through much that is misunderstood about the gift of prophecy. While the previous message took a panoramic view of what the entire bible says about all things prophetic, this message fixates only upon the New Testament gift of the Holy Spirit called prophecy. How does this gift function? If we agree that it is a valid gift, does it carry equal authority with written Scripture? God’s intention for this gift is less about predicting the future and much more about building up believers in the present moment. Some of you who listen have this gift and may even exercise it without being aware that you are doing so. Grow in your appreciation of the gift of prophecy – Scripture teaches that it is to be pursued above any other spiritual gift!

The Gift of Prophecy

December 2, 2015 • Jeff Lyle

The gift of prophecy may be the most misunderstood gift for believers today. So many questions about the issue of the modern practice of prophecy arise among Christians who have high regard for the authority of Scripture. This message offers a panoramic view of what both the Old and New Testaments reveal about prophetic activity. Listen closely to understand better what NT prophecy is not, and then you will be prepared in the message which follows to grasp how prophecy functions among New Testament believers today.

Green Lights & Guardrails

November 29, 2015 • Jeff Lyle

When it comes to the gifts of the Holy Spirit, some Christians and churches believe it is a free-for-all. Other Christians and churches take more of a position of not-at-all. What do the Scriptures teach about the exercise of spiritual gifts when the Church gathers for worship? While we will see that we have a green light to exercise the gifts of the Spirit, we must also recognize the guardrails which keep us in the proper direction so that Christ is honored and the Church is edified.

Orbit of the Controversy: Tongues & Prophecy

November 15, 2015 • Jeff Lyle

Perhaps no gift of the Holy Spirit draws more heated exchanges between Christians than the New Testament gift of tongues. Well, this is nothing new because tongues appear to be controversial all the way back in the first century as believers gathered in Corinth. What is this gift all about? Is there a modern day purpose for tongues? Should churches allow for this or should tongues be brought to a halt? This message references four primary passages of scripture to reveal what God intends for us to understand about the supernatural, controversial and hotly contested gift of tongues.

Timing Is Everything

November 8, 2015 • Jeff Lyle

The core issue in the discussion about the gifts of the Holy Spirit is not IF those gifts will cease, but WHEN they will cease. Scripture clearly teaches that the gifts of the Holy Spirit will come to an end one day. Sincere Christians debate whether this has already occurred or will occur at some other point in the future. Both groups cannot be correct. Somebody is theologically right, and someone has gotten it wrong. This message takes a look at the question, “Does the Scripture teach that the gifts of the Holy Spirit have ended already?” If those gifts have ceased, when and why did this occur according to Scripture? If these gifts have not ceased, what is the point in time which Scripture details that the ceasing occurs. Welcome to the great debate!

Love: Essential Ingredient

October 25, 2015 • Jeff Lyle

A powerful weapon in the hands of an unwise person is an incredible danger. Spiritual gifts are weapons to be used in the advance of God’s Kingdom. With these gifts, believers build up the Body of Christ while also fighting against the forces of darkness. If anyone uses the gifts of the Spirit without love, God’s purposes cannot be accomplished. Love is the key component and this message emphasizes that, apart from the governing agent of love, spiritual gifts are completely worthless. When we operate in love towards others, ALL the gifts of the Holy Spirit are valid for the advancing of the Kingdom and the edifying of the Church. We may be clearly gifted, but are we committed in love?

The Gifts Nobody Argues About

October 18, 2015 • Jeff Lyle

It is no secret that the topic of spiritual gifts can stir up some controversy. Those gifts which seem to be more spectacular – prophecy, tongues, healings, miracles – sometimes leave us with a little tension as we discuss them with other Christians. Happily, not all the charismata come with controversy. This message gives us an opportunity to exhale and explore some of the gifts of the Holy Spirit which nobody argues about. Serving, teaching, encouraging, giving, leading and showing mercy are all valid endowments by God the Spirit to the Church. When these gifts are recognized, honed and employed by believers, powerful ministry results which serves to advance the Kingdom. Listen closely and you will certainly find at least one of these gifts which God has entrusted to you for the fame of His Son.

Faith, Healings & Miracles

October 11, 2015 • Jeff Lyle

The entire biblical history of the relationship between God and His people contains elements of supernatural works. Visions, miracles, healings, conquests and deliverances from dark powers are all throughout the biblical narrative. God's portion of these miraculous moments is in the supply of power. Our portion is the exercise of faith. The question is whether or not we should reasonably expect these same types of occurrences in modern times. This message helps us to understand the dynamics of what can happen when our faith meets God's power. Healings, miracles and unassailable trust are gracious gifts provided to us today.

Break It Down For Me, Fellas

October 4, 2015 • Jeff Lyle

Slowing down to take a deeper look at the gifts of the Holy Spirit listed in 1st Corinthians 12, this message highlights the word of,knowledge and the word of wisdom. Does God still speak directly to His people? Isn't the objective Word the only means by which He speaks? What do these two gifts look like today? This message calls us to remember that Jesus promised that His followers would hear His voice, not merely that we would understand His book.

Blueprint For The Body

September 27, 2015 • Jeff Lyle

Divine & Deliberate Disbursement

September 20, 2015 • Jeff Lyle

It is not likely that the debate over the gifts of the Holy Spirit will be resolved prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Sincere believers take opposing views on this delicate matter. What helps us all is to slow down and consider the larger context of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and to recognize that spiritual gifts were not a human, much less, a denominational, idea. Spiritual gifts are divinely and deliberately disbursed by God the Spirit. We do well to remember that this oft-debated topic is more than a theological ball being hit back and forth over a net of argument. The Holy spirit is the source of all spiritual gifts and we must formulate our understanding of the gifts by discerning what the Scriptures themselves say. This message incorporates verse by verse teaching on this subject, plus some personal testimony from Pastor Jeff concerning how some of these gifts function in the present day church. If nothing more, this message should cause us to slow down and think deeply before we draw any conclusions about the matter of the current status of spiritual gifts within the present day Church.

The Pieces in the Box

September 13, 2015 • Jeff Lyle

This first message in a pivotal series on the gifts of the Holy Spirit lays out the reasons for such a study. Also included is a description of the approach that will be taken to understand what the bible discloses about the source, nature and current status of spiritual gifts. If you will listen to this message intently you will be far better equipped to gain understanding for all the messages to follow. Spiritual gifts are essential for Christian living and Kingdom ministry. If we are to operate in them, we must understand what the Scripture says of them.