
Addressing Hypocrisy in the Church

Matthew 7:1-5

January 16, 2024 • Jeff Lyle • Matthew 7:1–5

One of the most common reasons people cite for leaving the Church or having nothing to do with organized Christianity is the reality that there are hypocrites in the Church. While it is undeniable that there exist many people in the Church who intentionally seek to appear outwardly something better than what they are inwardly, these individuals do not actually exist in the vast numbers people seem to believe they do. Part of the problem is that people do not understand what hypocrisy truly is. They assume that, because a Christian sins or fails, then that Christian is nothing more than a hypocrite. But is this a biblical reality? What if those citing hypocrisy in the Church as a valid reason to leave the Church…are actually living as hypocrites themselves? This Truth Shot episode will offer an opportunity to learn what hypocrisy truly is, and another opportunity to learn if we ourselves are guilty of it.

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