
When God Says "No More"

Various Scriptures

April 27, 2016 • Jeff Lyle

While we are constantly comforted by the mercy and grace of God, let us never be mistaken to assume that there is not an active end to the access of that mercy and grace. God is seen throughout Scripture to repeatedly declare, “No more!” When He does this, all hope is lost for those who have not aligned with Him. This message highlights several places in Scripture wherein God refuses to let mankind proceed in a direction that goes against what He has decreed. From these examples, we are able to predict that our generation is due for the same resistance from God. The Lord shows no favoritism, and He will ultimately put down all rebellion. Wise people who are made aware of God’s ways will first examine their own hearts to repent of personal rebellion. Having done so, we also will be inclined to speak to those in our lives and remind them that they cannot afford to be on the wrong side of God’s next “No more!”

Dedication on Display

March 30, 2016 • Jeff Lyle

One area of vision which does not receive enough emphasis is the reality that vision never comes to fruition apart from dedicated stewardship of the vision given by God. God may open doors and offer opportunities, but if you and I do not remain dedicated until the vision comes to pass, it was nothing more than a daydream for us. Ideas are marvelous. Intentions are often helpful, but apart from activity they will always remain unfulfilled potential. This message harnesses the testimony of the Apostle Paul and motivates us to follow Christ in the same way as Paul did. Starting from the place of gratitude, we move forward into dedicated endurance through all of the difficulties, detorus and dsiappointments which come our way. In the end, for those who remain steadfast, God’s vision WILL be accomplished. When we trust in Him and do not quit, He will accomplish His satisfying purposes for our lives.

The Raised-Up Life

March 27, 2016 • Jeff Lyle

The Beginning of Something Beautiful

March 20, 2016 • Jeff Lyle

There is a point when God determines for His children that it is time to get up and get going again. When He determines seasons like this, He usually stirs in the heart of one person, whom He then uses to stir the hearts of other people. A vision originates with God, proceeds through human instrumentation and then defines a Kingdom moment that makes history. This message reveals how God did this very thing in the days of Israel after the years of captivity were coming to an end. The listener will be challenged to ask the questions, “What is God doing in my generation? What is offering me the chance to take part in? What do I need to do to get in on what He has determined?” Seasons come and go during our lives. Very often, the quality of our lives are directly connected to our ability to discern when God closes one season and then embarks to begin something beautiful.