
The Father and His Child

Luke 15

July 5, 2015 • Jeff Lyle

The first connection God desires to make with you is that of Him being your Father and you being His beloved child. Ours is a generation that has more people who were denied the example of a healthy earthly father. Because of that, many have a difficult time believing that Father God could ever love, protect, provide and accept them. God knows this and makes it clear that He is relentlessly committed to assuring you that He is not the same as any earthly father. In this famous parable of Jesus, we learn again that no matter what we have done, where we have gone or how far we might have fallen, our Father will receive us back home with love and joy.

The Master and His Servants

August 9, 2015 • Jeff Lyle

Some Kingdom Motifs fixate on us. God is many things to His people but, truth be known, we are really not many things to Him. Children, sheep, members of the Bride - we are these things. Yet for the functional mission of the Church, it is essential that we recognize this one particular motif: we are servants. This message focuses on the calling, the character and the challenges of being Gd's servant. At the end of our life of service, there is great reward for those who finish faithful with both the work of their hands and the humility of their hearts. Jesus shows us how serving others is a key to Kingdom greatness.

The Commander and His Soldiers

August 2, 2015 • Jeff Lyle

It does not necessarily sound reverent but I will write it anyway: Sometimes God likes to show off. He splits seas, He drowns armies, He sends fire from Heaven, He’s not above sending a few plagues, He walks on waves and raises the dead. Undeniably, sometimes it is the express will of God to tell people to step back, stand to the side and watch Him do something extraordinary. By the way, He will occasionally do something like this in your own life if you will seek Him for it. This message unfolds one of the most amazing battle scenes in all of the Bible. Faced with impossible odds, Israel was taken by God to the brink of their powerlessness so that they would have no other option but Him. His words, their humility and the stepping up of a courageous prophet and a trusting king leave us awestruck at how God leads His armies as the Omnipotent Commander. Listen well, and look for your breakthrough.

The Husband and His Wife

July 26, 2015 • Jeff Lyle

Who in the world would consider pursuing a spouse that was habitually unfaithful? Is there one among us who would show the same kindness to children born of adultery by our spouse as we would show love to children that were the fruit of our own love to our spouse? It is likely that a rare few of us would show such unconditional love. Truth be told, we have a very low tolerance for those who betray us. God once commanded an ancient prophet to do exactly what has been described above. Through Hosea's pursuit of his straying wife, God reveals His own gracious pursuit of those who run away from Him in pursuit of forbidden things. This message reminds us all of the glorious covenant God has made with us through Jesus Christ. We are His bride, and He is our Groom. He will never forsake us and will bring us to the place where we can never forsake Him again.