
The Cumulative Effect

Intentional Community

May 7, 2023 • Ryan Bramlett • Ecclesiastes 4:7–12

Most adults are pretty jaded when it comes to having intentional community. We get it – you’ve been burned. But part of the good news of Jesus is that new community is formed in Him. Check out this message from Teaching Pastor Ryan Bramlett as he explains the benefits of having intentional community. We must remember that with God, walking alone is never an option.

Purposeful Work

April 30, 2023 • Kyle Riley • Genesis 1:26–28

We all long for a sense of purpose that gives us fulfillment and satisfaction, including in our jobs and careers. But what if it’s not so much about the job we do but how we approach it? In this message, Pastor Kyle Riley reminds us that following Jesus doesn’t mean just existing. It means actively participating in what God is doing in and around us in the small, everyday moments where we work.

Healthy Marriage

April 23, 2023 • Ryan Bramlett • Ephesians 5:21–33

In this message, Teaching Pastor Ryan Bramlett holds up the original design of the Christian marriage to show the beauty of it – what it could be. He teaches us to believe that no matter where we are in our marriages in this season, we can hope for beauty. We’ll learn that by the power of the Spirit, our marriages can go from one degree to the next.

Long-Game Parenting

April 15, 2023 • Aaron and Lindsay Brockett • Psalm 127:1–3

Being a kid is harder today than it’s ever been for all kinds of reasons. Therefore, being a parent is also harder than it’s ever been. One of the primary callings on our lives is how we raise our kids or influence others' kids. This message by Aaron Brockett and his wife, Lindsay, teaches us how to raise up the next generation while facing the pressures to be perfect parents.