

Never Fails

October 22, 2023 • Wes Morris

Love bears all things as Christ bore the weight of our sin. We demonstrate Jesus when we bear the load on behalf of others. The Bible calls the bear with the weak in faith, spirit, and circumstance. Much like the Samaritan stopped on the side of the road for the beaten-down man, so does the love of God. Love believes and hopes all things. The Christian has a hope without end. We believe in the power of the gospel to save the most vile sinner. We believe with all hope in the restoration of broken relationships, and the healing of fractured unity. Love endures in that it perseveres under trial. Love never fails. Do you know and live the love of God?

Does Not

October 15, 2023 • Wes Morris

Love is not jealous, does not brag or seek its own. When we walk in the love of God, we are happy for the blessings and success of others. Love does not act unbecomingly. God's people are not rude, abrasive, or crass, but rather wholesome, encouraging, and dignified. Love is not provoked and does not keep a record of wrongs. The Lord does not hold us hostage to our past sin and as Christians, we ought never to hold others to such things. Love does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth. Are you living in the truth of God's miraculous love?

Patient & Kind

October 8, 2023 • Wes Morris

Love is patient and kind. For those who follow Jesus, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to have a patient spirit about us. We are not of those who lose their temper, seek revenge or are easily offended. Additionally, Christians are called to exhibit patience with one another and with all people. Our loving patience is not approval of sin, but rather the door through which our testimony to others may enter. Does your life and conduct demonstrate a love that is patient and kind?

From God

October 1, 2023 • Wes Morris

The Bible says that no matter how many gifts or abilities we have, we are nothing without love. The love described in the Word of God is impossible to obtain and demonstrate by any act of human will or effort. True love comes only from God. The world will offer us counterfeit versions of love through entertainment, therapy, emotion, pleasure, and material goods, but it is all hollow. God alone is able to empower us to love. This can only happen by first putting our faith in Jesus Christ for salvation. Do you know this love?