
Crazy! You’re in a Crazy World Still Praising God Part 1

Psalms 33

May 16, 2024 • Pastor Bill Gehm

A common misconception about Christianity is the belief in Hell. Some people believe in a place that only bad people go to, and others don’t believe in it at all. But the truth is that it’s real and that everyone deserves to go. You’re probably thinking, “That’s a little harsh. I haven’t done anything bad, so why am I so deserving of Hell?” Because everyone sins, and the punishment for sin is eternal separation from God. But God doesn’t want to be without you, so He offers His Grace and mercy. So today, Pastor Bill shares the truth. 

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Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth Part 1

May 31, 2024 • Pastor Bill Gehm

Every day, people will watch TV, listen to music, or consume anything the world shows them. But what happens when you live your life according to God’s Word? The Bible teaches that every Word of God is pure and that He is a shield to those who trust Him. What this means is that when you place your faith in God, you can rest knowing that His promises are real and will protect you. So, if you’re new to Christianity, then keep listening! Today, Pastor Bill shows you how to keep God in your heart. 

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Part 2

May 30, 2024 • Pastor Bill Gehm

Have you ever wondered why God made you the way you are? I know that when I was younger, I had a hard time finding who I was. But when I accepted Christ as my Savior, I realized that He made me a purpose. And if you are wondering what God’s plan for you is, then keep listening! In today’s message, Pastor Bill tells you that God makes no mistakes and that He has a desire for your life! The Bible says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you.”

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Part 1

May 29, 2024 • Pastor Bill Gehm

If you’re new to Christianity, then you know that there can be a lot of pressure from other Christians. Some people will tell you that you HAVE to do this and you NEED to do that to be accepted into their church or fellowship. But Pastor Bill is here to remind you that you are not earning your way into heaven! When you come to Christ, the Holy Spirit floods your body. The seed that was planted has sprouted. And the more time you spend in the presence of God, the more you grow. So today, let God pave the way.